Schematic diagram lab task

You'll be creating a schematic diagram with the following elements:
  • the client and business applications
  • a container platform with various middleware services
  • the backend storage

Schematic diagram - expected results

The schematic diagram should look like this at end of this lab:

Schematic diagram - access diagram tool

We need a new template, so we start over again:
  • open a new browser window (or tab)
  • open following link:

Schematic diagram - start screen

You're presented with the initial start-up screen:

Schematic diagram - schematic template

We need to start with the SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM:
  1. select option Red Hat Template from the left pane
  2. select option Schematic Diagram from rigt panel
  3. name diagram
  4. click Create

Schematic diagram - starting canvas

Let's start by setting up our Starting Canvas. Click on tab Starting Canvas to access the example template provided for a schematic diagrams:

Schematic diagram - rename canvas

You're canvas should look like this image. To get started right click on the tab Starting Canvas and create a Duplicate. Double-click to rename the duplicate tab Workshop example.

Schematic diagram - hide unused icons

In left pane, minimize the icon libraries Detail Diagrams and Logical Diagram assets, so we can focus on Schematic Diagram assets:

Schematic diagram - add service box

First we'll select and drag Service Box from Schematic Diagrams to the canvas:

Schematic diagram - position service box

Place Service Box on bottom left placeholder as shown:

Schematic diagram - remove placeholder

  1. Select and unlock Service Box (see lab 3 to lock/unlock elements)
  2. Right click on Service Box
  3. Select To Back
  4. Select and unlock PLACEMENT GUIDE
  5. Use DELETE button to remove placement guide

Schematic diagram - Service box positioned

Service box element is ready for designing:

Schematic diagram - set service color

Select just the Service Name and Logo component to select it. Using right pane Style properties, select the color green as shown:

Schematic diagram - add application icon

Select the Application Service element and lock it (red border). Now you can drag-and-drop the Application icon on the Service name's Service Icon template area. Make sure your cursor is over the REPLACE pop-up that appears before you drop the icon.

Schematic diagram - client service details

Edit various service elements to the following:
  • service name: Client
  • technology: JavaScript App
  • cardinality: x1

Schematic diagram - another service box

Next up, replace template placeholder in bottom left of Platform with a Service box from Schematic Diagrams:

Schematic diagram - set service color

Select the Service Name and Logo component and use right pane Style properties to set color to dark blue as shown:

Schematic diagram - add API icon

Select the Service name element and lock it (red border). Now you can drag-and-drop the API icon on the API Gateway's Service Icon template area. Make sure your cursor is over the REPLACE pop-up that appears:

Schematic diagram - API gateway details

Edit various service elements to the following:
  • service name: API gateway
  • technology: Red Hat 3scale API Management
  • cardinality: x3

Schematic diagram - add service with storage

Continue on by selecting and dragging Service with Storage from Schematic Diagrams to the canvas and place it in Placeholder Guide location above API gateway.

Schematic diagram - Service catalog details

Add service catalog icon from library, change background color, and edit service elements to complete this service:
  • service name: Service catalog
  • technology: JavaScript repository
  • cardinality: x3
  • storage label: S3

Schematic diagram - add another service

Continue on by selecting and dragging Service from Schematic Diagrams to the canvas and place it in below API gateway (outside platform section for now):

Schematic diagram - auth service details

Add identity icon from library, change background color, and edit service elements to complete this service:
  • service name: Authentication
  • technology: SSO, Idm
  • cardinality: x3

Schematic diagram - network connections

Network connections between various components of the schematic diagram are color coded to distinguish various types of Connections:

  • public vs private
  • secure vs unsecure

Next we'll set the default connection style in our diagram tooling.

Schematic diagram - select network type

  • From the Schematic Diagrams click on Network 6 (the purple line)
  • In right pane Style tab click on Copy Style and Set as Default Style in the right pane to set Network 6 as the default network line

Schematic diagram - remove connector

Delete unneeded network line on the canvas used to set defaults by selecting and then hitting DELETE button:

Schematic diagram - about network connections

Note that network connections only connect elements from their grey nodes on the right side and never from the nodes at the left or bottom (those are for data, more on that later):

Schematic diagram - connecting services

Select the Network Connector indicated by circle on the Service Catalog service box to show the directional arrows. Click and drag the arrow and lock it to the Network Connector on the Authentication service box.

Schematic diagram - positioning connections

Network connection line has several segments that can be adjusted separately. Select any cirles on the segment and drag it to experiment with alignments. Finish by adjusting final position roughly as shown.

Schematic diagram - adjusting connections

Select the Network Connector on the API Gateway service box to show the directional arrows. Click and drag the arrow and lock it to the network node from the Service catalog locking it to the same connector used before. Adjust the network line to match the previous one using zoom to 200% as shown to help with aligning segment and select RESET VIEW in same drop down menu to return to normal view:

Schematic diagram - connection results

Network connections between Authentication, Service Catalog and API Gateway service should look like:

Schematic diagram - add client connection

Select the Network Connector on the Client service box to show the directional arrows. Click and drag arrow and lock it to the network connector in use for API gateway. Align the network lines so they show as a single line:

Schematic diagram - delete placeholder

Select Placeholder Guide above Client service box, unlock, and use the DELETE key to remove:

Schematic diagram - setup data connections

Data connections between various components of the schematic diagrams indicate data path:
  • Click on Data line from the Schematic Diagrams
  • Click on Copy Style and Set as Default Style in the right pane to set Data as the default line

Schematic diagram - remove data connector

Delete unused data line on the canvas by using DELETE key:

Schematic diagram - about data connections

The guidelines for data connections are as follows:

Data leaves an element by a bottom node and data enters an element through a node on the left. Sometimes you have two way data and this can be done with a single line using either bottom or left nodes at your own discretion. Data never uses the grey nodes for networking on the right of an element.

Schematic diagram - add client data connection

Hover on the Data Connector indicated by knob on the Service Catalog to show the directional arrows. Use the bottom nodes for outgoing, the left side nodes for incoming data connections. Click and drag arrow and connect to the Data Connector on the Client. Note data lines (like networking) are adjusted using segments:

Schematic diagram - add auth data connection

Hover on the bottom Data Connector indicated by knob on the Client to show the directional arrows. Click and drag arrow and connect to the Data Connector on the left side of Authentication service box:

Schematic diagram - add api data connection

Click on the bottom center Data Connector indicated by knob on the Client to show directional arrows. Click and drag the arrow and connect to the Data Connector on the left side of API gateway:

Schematic diagram - add final services

There are two services to be added yet; Business Application and Data Service. You have the knowledge to complete these two tasks without help, so add the services as shown:

Schematic diagram - add final connectors

Now add the network connections and data connections as shown for both the Business application and Data service. Pay attention to network colour and data flow arrows. Locate Line jumps in the Style tab to select Arc, it clarifies crossing lines.

Schematic diagram - cleanup diagram

Remove the service box placeholders, rename the Platform to OpenShift Container Platform, adjust background grey box to fit components, and adjust diagram title as shown:

Schematic diagram - adding callouts

Callouts can be used to add details to network or data connections. Select the Label Callout 6 from the Schematic Diagrams panel and drag to data connection between Client and Authentication:

Schematic diagram - callout auth{orise|enticate}

Select the Message Broker icon from the Application Services Icon library and drag it to cover up the label callout:

Schematic diagram - callout javascript

Now setup a callout between Client and Service catalog as shown:

Schematic diagram - callout api calls

Now setup a callout between Client and API gateway as shown:

Schematic diagram - callout consumer device

Finally, the last item is to add a edge device by adding the icon shown and adjusting the label. This completes the schematic diagram:

Saving your work

Another way to save your work is clicking the Save button on the top right. Note that once you've provided the file name workshop-schematic-diagram.drawio, it won't ask you again. The saved file will download to your machine:

Lab completed - Results

Import the final results (cheating)

If anything went wrong or you just want to see the results without having to work through this entire lab sequence then click to load the completed workshop schematic diagram.

Contact - are there any questions?

Ishu Verma
Technical Marketing Manager Emerging Technologies
Contact: @IoT_Ishu

Eric D. Schabell
Portfolio Architect Technical Director
Contact: @ericschabell or

Up next in workshop...

Lab 6 - Creating detailed diagram